NutrientDrink Rate
per stage0000
per harvest0000
NutrientDrink Rate
per stage0000
per harvest0000
NutrientDrink Rate
per stage0000
per harvest0000
NutrientDrink Rate
per stage0000
per harvest0000
PlantNameProductSeedsSeasonNutrient (per stage)Drink Rate
(per stage)
Remove plant0000
Carrot Plant.pngCarrot PlantCarrot.pngOblong Seeds.png+++-4+2+20.75
Corn Stalk.pngCorn StalkCorn.pngClustered Seeds.png++++2-4+20.75
Potato Plant.pngPotato PlantPotato.pngFluffy Seeds.png++++2+2-40.75
Toma Root Plant.pngToma Root PlantToma Root.pngSpiky Seeds.png+++-2-2+43.5
Asparagus Fern.pngAsparagus FernAsparagus.pngTubular Seeds.png+++2-4+20.75
Eggplant Stalk.pngEggplant StalkEggplant.pngSwirly Seeds.png+++2+2-42
Pumpkin Plant.pngPumpkin PlantPumpkin.pngSharp Seeds.png++-4+2+22
Watermelon Plant.pngWatermelon PlantWatermelon.pngSquare Seeds.png+++4-2-23.5
Dragon Fruit Vine.pngDragon Fruit VineDragon Fruit.pngBulbous Seeds.png+++4+4-82
Durian Vine.pngDurian VineDurian.pngBrittle Seed Pods .png++4-8+40.75
Garlic Plant.pngGarlic PlantGarlic.pngSeed Pods .png+++++4-8+40.75
Onion Plant.pngOnion PlantOnion.pngPointy Seeds.png+++-8+4+42
Pepper Plant.pngPepper PlantPepper.pngLumpy Seeds.png+++4+4-80.75
Pomegranate Branch.pngPomegranate BranchPomegranate.pngWindblown Seeds.png++-8+4+42
How to use:
1) Click plant
2) Click into field
3) See metrics
4) Repeat
*) Red background: Plant feels alone
*) Green background: Plant have at least 3 od same kind around (2 distance)
*) Orange background: It is possible to fit 4 plants in line close together, but hard to do without mods
*) Every farm can hold up to 100 of every nutrient (initially random), useful to know when you want to balance nutrients over diferent harvests
Change what images to draw in field: plant product seed
Empty whole farm: clear all
This tool uses data and images from wiki
Author of this tool: /u/glurak